Search Results - life+science+%3e+medical+diagnostics

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[14001] Compositions that Modify Biological Signaling
The molecular mechanisms of normal physiology and pathology involve a network of biologically active molecules that interact via intertwined signaling processes. To unravel these complex mechanisms, reagents are needed that modify signaling processes. We describe here the compositions of organic compounds that modify biological signaling. Among a variety...
Published: 2/11/2020   |   Inventor(s): Stephen Bergmeier, Douglas Goetz, Mark McMills, Crina Orac, Frank Schwartz, Kelly McCall
Category(s): Life Science > Medical Diagnostics
Automated Computer Classifier of Diabetic Retinopathy [ID 15015]
OverviewWith an ever-increasing number of people being diagnosed with diabetes, it is imperative that new technologies be developed to effectively and efficiently monitor the disease and its associated comorbidities—including diabetic retinopathy, one of the leading causes of new blindness diagnoses in the U.S. Early diagnosis and targeted treatment...
Published: 11/4/2020   |   Inventor(s): Mehmet Celenk, H. Bryan Riley, Frank Schwartz, Nikita Gurudath
Category(s): Life Science > Medical Diagnostics
Eyetracking Comprehensive Assesment System [ID 08018]
OverviewResearchers at Ohio University have developed a method for assessing language and related cognitive function through analysis of eye movements. A majority of stroke and traumatic brain injury victims have motoric and/or perceptual deficits that impair their ability to comprehend and respond to basic stimuli, which has consequences in how they...
Published: 5/19/2020   |   Inventor(s): Brooke Hallowell, Hans Kruse
Category(s): Computer Science > Software, Life Science > Medical Diagnostics, Life Science > Medical Devices
Small Molecule for the Treatment of Equine Sepsis [ID 03007]
OverviewSepsis is a systemic inflammatory response to an infection and is responsible for nearly one-third of all foal mortality. Current treatment consists of broad-spectrum antibiotics, IV fluids, nutritional support, and administration of other medicines as the situation demands. Survival rates vary depending on the underlying cause of the disease...
Published: 10/23/2018   |   Inventor(s): Leonard Kohn, Douglas Goetz, Nilesh Harii, Nilesh Dagia, Cesidio Giuliani, Giorgio Napolitano
Category(s): Life Science > Medical Diagnostics